Friday, 1 February 2019

Numerology reveals whether you are born one after the other

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: February 01, 2019
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  • Numerology reveals whether you are born one after the other
    Knowledge of numbers can help us a lot in emotional life. Each of us has a personal number, which is simply calculated, and he gives insight into our, but also the partner's personality. Numbers are like magic. If we come across a person with whom we are numerically compatible, a nice bond is on the pier, and it can become permanent and lead to marriage.

    But some relationships fail despite the efforts of both partners, something that is missing or characteristic differences are too great for a relationship to survive. You may have encountered a person who does not agree with your personal number. In order not to emotionally wander or tie the wrong partners, we bring you a numerical guide that will ease your love quest or answer what's wrong with your relationship.

    Calculate your partner's number

    To find out whether you are one after the other, you and your partner's date of birth are enough. Your personal number is the key to which you can figure out numerically how emotional you are with your partner. Simply select numbers in the date of your birth and convert them into a single number, which is your personal number. Do the same with your partner.

    For example, if your birthday is on January 23, 1982, you need to collect the digits of the day, month, and year, and turn them into one number.
    Month: 1

    Day: 2 + 3 = 5

    Year: 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 = 20 Then 2 + 0 = 2

    All select: 1+ 5 + 2 = 8 Your personal number is 8.

    The next step is to find out the birthday of the person you are in love with. Calculate her or her personal number. When you do this, look at our description of the numbers that will show you whether you and your partner are a numerologically related soul.

    Number 1 - great lovers

    Born in number 1 are very persistent, often stubborn. Leaders were born, ambitious and creative. They are highly self-confident and are great lovers. According to the chosen one, their hearts are very selective, but also protective. They like the person they love as a drop of water in their palm and they like to be proud of their partner in society. Their indulgence is never a problem because it is conquered by the indisputable charm. The most romantic success will be with numbers 2, 4 and 7. The couple enjoy their gentleness, warmth and benevolence, and the four attract them because of unpredictability.

    Number 2 - romanticists

    Diplomatic and peaceful attitude is a feature of people born in number 2. They are great romantics and very imaginative people. It is beautiful with patience and compassion and kindness in contacts. They are adaptable and very pleasant for a common life. They are warm in love and they need a lot of love affair from their partners to make them feel loved. They need a partner who will appreciate their loyalty and sincerity and who will understand their frequent mood swings and hypersensitivity. The units reinforce their confidence, and they will greatly match the number 7.

    Number 3 - it's easy to fall in love

    Troikas are people who adorn optimism and generosity. They are kind and hospitable and they love to enjoy life and beautiful things. They are spiritual, compassionate and easy to fall in love, so they need a partner who will calm them down and provide them with security. In love, people of number 3 are very sensitive, but unstable. They are constantly looking for an ideal love partner, and often lean from one link to another. They agree with number 6, which will give them a lot of love, but also understand their need for freedom. It will work well with numbers 8 and 9.

    Number 4 - difficult to bind

    People born in number 4 are very independent and love their freedom. They are imaginative and original, and because of their interesting personality they are happy to receive them in every society. They are all informed, they know that they are joking and love people. They are often unpredictable in love and are difficult for someone to connect permanently because they quickly find fault with each other. Before some sketches, a turbulent love life passes. People born in number 1 will be great with the four because they share similar enthusiasm and love for change. The four will also be in good relation with the weeks.

    Number 5 - hides feelings

    These are very communicative people who are distinguished by resourcefulness, skill and speed. They are creative, naturally charming and entertaining. They are curious and adore exit, fun and travel. Love relationships are often overburdened because they all rationalize and emotionally open up. But they are very seductive, so they are successful in seduction. Best match with units and six.

    Number 6 - Love is the first place

    Born in number 6 are real artistic souls that adorn imagination, good and tolerant nature and tolerance, which puts them at the top of the most beloved love partners. They are always calm, often invisible, and they love everything they do in the first place. They are also very in love with eternal search for a soul mate. Without love, they can not calm down and seek until they find the right partner. Number 3 can provide them with the desired security, and they will communicate greatly. It will be good to agree with the number 5, with which it will have an exciting life.

    Number 7 - will do everything for the partner

    These are intuitive and imaginative people, often very spiritual. They are prudent, tolerant and yielding. But they are very sensitive, so it's easy to hurt them. It is difficult to recover from love afflictions, and it will take a long time to decide for a new relationship. They are gentle, romantic and sensual in love and will do everything for their partner. Although they have a great intuition, they often mistakenly choose a partner. Love happiness will easily be achieved if they connect with persons born in numbers 1 and 2, because they will have the feeling that they are emotionally well understood.

    Number 8 - in love are cautious

    Eight are practical people who stand firmly on the ground. They are not misled by unrealistic goals, they are very cautious and systematic. They are patient and have excellent self-control. They are analytical in mind, and in love they are cautious even too. They are very afraid to be hurt, so they will choose a partner long and carefully. They seek for love security, that is, a relationship that will immediately bear the seal of responsibility and durability. It is precisely because of this that the partners born in numbers 3 and 9 are most suitable for them. The troika is as practical as they are, and with the nines they agree on energy.

    Number 9 - devoted conquerors

    Nine are decorated with a passionate and energetic nature, but often a great stubbornness and suddenness. They are honest and do not like the circumstances. They have great psychological strength, but also a pronounced libido. When they are in love, they completely lose their head. They conquer directly and charmingly, regardless of who the half is talking about. Both men and women of this number are very fallacious and will do everything to win the person they like. In love, they will fit perfectly with triples and fives, with which they will be nicely complemented and in harmony, and six and eight will calm them down.

    SHOW! She found pictures of the wedding and she could not believe what she saw on them!

    By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: February 01, 2019
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  • SHOW! She found pictures of the wedding and she could not believe what she saw on them!

    It was supposed to be just a routine cleaning drawer, and turned into the most shocking experience in life. It would be all right if she did not find a CD in the paper that read "Ben's Wedding".

    At first she thought that it was only about the pictures from her wedding, but it was attracted to her by the fact that she was on the cover of her mother-in-law's handwriting, and she decided to look at what's on the CD. About her experience, a woman who hid behind the nickname "CountryMarch" complained about the internet forum "Mumsnet", asking other users for advice because she could not believe her eyes.

    - I was wondering why I had not seen these photos for seven years, as we were married, I inserted a CD into a laptop and opened a folder titled "Wedding". It turns out that it's about photos that my mother-in-law cut out on a CD - a woman wrote, explaining that she had over 400 photos on the disk.

    But a strange detail about them was that there was nowhere else.

    It was not literally in any single photo!
    - I was wondering, furiously: "What is this ?! There is NO ME ON A SINGLE PICTURE! "It is depicted from such angles that I always remain hidden or out of the picture. I was cut down on all group photographs, and when I was posing with a groom, only he was photographed ... Only 400 photos of a man who is getting married ... alone! It's not that I've ever had an ideal relationship with the mother-in-law, but this really was too much for me!

    In her confession, the woman further states that she mentioned photographs to her husband, but that he barely smiled. She went to bed with the knowledge that his mother "paid money to somebody" to come to their wedding and shoot photographs that will not be young.

    - Am I unreasonable if I think that this really is ** odd? And not to say that she is rude and gentle psychopathic? - the woman asked the website users.

    More than 100 people answered her post, agreeing with her that this is not normal at all.

    - I would ask it directly about this, because for such a procedure there is virtually no justification - one of the comments said.

    "I would say it's too late to get in touch with her, but she's really very weird and you have a lot of right to be concerned," another user told her.

    He put a phantom, took the girl to the polygraph to check if he was cheating, so he asked (video)

    By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: February 01, 2019
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  • The latest show "Jeremy Kyle Show" has been visited by the world after a completely unusual prospect.
    He put a phantom, took the girl to the polygraph to check if he was cheating, so he asked

    Namely, the young man Kevin brought his girlfriend Chelsea into the show and put it on a polygraph to check if he really was faithful to him.

    To make things interesting, Kevin refused to show his face, so he wore a phantom over his head. He said that he would not take it off even if the polygraph showed him that he did not cheat him.

    Chelsea had to answer intimate questions, and the polygraph showed she was faithful to Kevin and was not with other men.
    At the end of the show, a satisfied young man asked Chelsea, and she, of course, agreed.

    The couple kissed in front of the cameras, and the suspicious Kevin apologized to his future wife.

    He overwhelmed a pregnant girl, and she revolted where it got hurt

    By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: February 01, 2019
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  • A cheated girl on social networks has posted an ad that has attracted a lot of attention because it sells an almost new Xbox worth about 400 euros for just three pounds.

    Namely, George Jackson discovered that her boyfriend, with whom she was four years old, deceived twice - for the first time just over two years ago, and the second time she was pregnant with their first child. In addition to the precious console, they found expensive handsets and a bunch of games, and the 24-year-old wrote that she put everything on sale as soon as she found out that she was sleeping with another woman.

    She also added that she would rather donate a console to someone rather than selling it for such a low amount, but "she has to buy a new kitchen knife because old sources from his tires."

    George told the Sun Sun said the scam for her was a great betrayal: - I always imagined that if I did something bad, I would break his Xbox. However, I knew that he would be even more angry if I sold him. I wanted to humiliate him, and after I posted an ad on Facebook, I felt much better, said this young mother.

    She adds that 25-year-old Josh Medok broke her heart and was initially concerned about whether to publish such content, but she still called her sweet revenge.

    Russians warn: 2068 possible catastrophic collision with asteroid (video)

    By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: February 01, 2019
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  • Asteroid Apophis is larger than three football fields, and the latest calculations by Russian scientists show that it could hit us in 2068. In only ten years it will spill over to the Earth, 10 times less than the Moon.

    According to experts from the University of St. Petersburg, on April 13, 2029, they will come closer to the Earth at only 38,000 kilometers. This passage will cause many possible paths, among which are those that include the coming of 2051.
    - Today we know about 100 possible crashes of Apophis with Earth, and the most dangerous one in 2068 - scientists say. Otherwise, NASA also warned of the possibility of a collision with Apophis, and their calculation estimated the collision to 2.3 million.

    We discovered the Apophis in 2004, and then it caused a big hole among the scientists because the first budgets gave large chances of collision.