It was supposed to be just a routine cleaning drawer, and turned into the most shocking experience in life. It would be all right if she did not find a CD in the paper that read "Ben's Wedding".
At first she thought that it was only about the pictures from her wedding, but it was attracted to her by the fact that she was on the cover of her mother-in-law's handwriting, and she decided to look at what's on the CD. About her experience, a woman who hid behind the nickname "CountryMarch" complained about the internet forum "Mumsnet", asking other users for advice because she could not believe her eyes.
- I was wondering why I had not seen these photos for seven years, as we were married, I inserted a CD into a laptop and opened a folder titled "Wedding". It turns out that it's about photos that my mother-in-law cut out on a CD - a woman wrote, explaining that she had over 400 photos on the disk.
But a strange detail about them was that there was nowhere else.
It was not literally in any single photo!
- I was wondering, furiously: "What is this ?! There is NO ME ON A SINGLE PICTURE! "It is depicted from such angles that I always remain hidden or out of the picture. I was cut down on all group photographs, and when I was posing with a groom, only he was photographed ... Only 400 photos of a man who is getting married ... alone! It's not that I've ever had an ideal relationship with the mother-in-law, but this really was too much for me!
In her confession, the woman further states that she mentioned photographs to her husband, but that he barely smiled. She went to bed with the knowledge that his mother "paid money to somebody" to come to their wedding and shoot photographs that will not be young.
- Am I unreasonable if I think that this really is ** odd? And not to say that she is rude and gentle psychopathic? - the woman asked the website users.
More than 100 people answered her post, agreeing with her that this is not normal at all.
- I would ask it directly about this, because for such a procedure there is virtually no justification - one of the comments said.
"I would say it's too late to get in touch with her, but she's really very weird and you have a lot of right to be concerned," another user told her.
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