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Great Discovery: The Land of the Last Pharaoh Destroyed the Fire

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: January 30, 2019
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  • Great Discovery: The Land of the Last Pharaoh Destroyed the Fire
    The latest archaeological digs in Israel and in the Gaza Strip to Galilee have shown that Kanan, the last significant territory they were conquered and ruled by the Pharaohs, was liberated from a rebellion that burned some of Egypt's most important fortifications in the region of the Middle East.

    Israeli archaeologists carefully investigate the remnants of Canan settlements during Egypt's three-year rule that can be traced through artifacts from that period.

    Thus, the sarcophagi found were made according to the Egyptian patterns, as well as the sculptures of the sphinx, scarabs, deities and portraits of local administrators, according to the expert international bi-monthly "Archeology".

    In the excavations at Jafa, a city gate was discovered, along with the Egyptian military garrison premises, and where larger quantities of clay tablets were found with wedge letters, from which an image of the functioning of the settlement could be obtained. It was the period of the greatest military power of Egypt, which at the time joined its territory to Nubia.

    According to archaeologist Israel Finkelstein of the University of Tel Aviv, Egypt has gained a significant strategic position because he was able to control the movement of Hittite and trade routes from Central Asia to the Mediterranean.
    Kanan became an Egyptian colony in 1458 before the new era after the decisive battle at Megiddo (now northern Israel) in which the alliance of states that were formed to defend itself from the Egyptians was defeated.

    The victory of the Egyptians led by Pharaoh Tutmos the Third was recorded on many reliefs throughout Egypt, and the new rulers of the Canadian countries immediately began to secure the conquered territories by building fortresses whose remains are now gradually digging, such as the fort where the city of Jafa on the sea shore was later built.

    The Kananites belonged to the Semitic tribes who, after liberation from the Egyptian authorities, established several cities in the region of modern Israel, Lebanon, Western Syria and began to be called the Phoenicians. They founded Cartagena in the IX century before the new era, which became the trading power of the Mediterranean.

    Long-term drought in the Canadian region has caused the discontent of residents who began to fall on certain cities and during the latest excavations in the area of ​​Jafa archaeologists have found that even the largest of all Canadian cities was burned around 1125 before the new era, marking the official ending Egyptian colonial power over Canan.


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